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 I have always believed and said: "you can achieve what you really want if you put your heart and soul into it". I realized that we need to focus in our goals and work hard for them, and even though we might never reach some of them no matter how much effort we put into it, we must take the positive aspects of our experiences through our journey and move on to new and bigger dreams.
Ever since I was a kid I have liked airplanes and aviation. I wanted to be able to see the world from above and feel free, that is something that captured my attention. To become a U.S. Navy pilot was a resolution that I took very early in life. Since I am Colombian and a USA citizen I had the option to choose between the Colombian Air force, US Air force or US Navy Pilot, and after an extensive analysis and possible options I made up my mind, I wanted to be a U.S. Navy pilot. The reason for choosing the U.S. Navy is because it is more active than the air force and the Colombian air force and at the minimum threat the carriers are the first ones to be deployed.

 I came to U.S.A. so I could join the Navy, since I was born in Colombia South America I knew there would be some barriers like the language and culture, that was not an easy decision to make. In order to persuade a dream I had to leave everything family, friends, memories behind without any warranty that I was going to be successful, my only key to move forward was my desire. I was scared but confident; Weird combination of feelings.

 To live in a foreign country is a very hard adaptation process, the culture is different and everybody thinks in a different way. It was very hard money wise because the dollar doubles a Colombian peso so everything seemed to be very expensive. Distances and public transportation was also a big problem; not being able to have access to public transportation made me more dependable on others. I went through some difficulties like these and many others but every little battle I won, gave me strength and made me feel more confident.

 After five months I was able to join the Navy and start my dream career! At this point, I already knew this would be a long and rough road, I had to start from the bottom as a sailor, and began by studying another career in order to move up until I could become an officer and only then I would be able to apply for the pilot program. Unfortunately, after almost 4 years of service including boot camp and my “A” school on Gas Turbines, I had hepatitis and a very delicate liver inflammation. This resulted in a medical discharge. No matter how much I persuaded my dream to become a Navy pilot I never got to go inside of a military airplane.
 After finding out that my dream was never going to be complete, I felt disoriented and without hope. I didn't know what to do, I never thought of a backup plan because I put my heart and soul into it. I was “old” to start a commercial pilot career if we consider the long wait to obtain a position so I tried to pursue my pilot dream as a private pilot; I did the earth course and most of the flying hours. After the attacks of September 11 and the decline in the economy for the last four years, is really tough to have a steady job as a private pilot.

 I am currently working for a company that sells and repairs parts for military and commercial airplanes. It took a long time for me to find a new dream. I also like computers and technology and I started a "Computer Information Science" career and the idea is to focus on "avionics" all the electronic equipment for airplanes.  I was willing to start over and I was willing to do everything I could to achieve success! I won’t let my old experience affect my new desires, especially after learning how to use previous experiences to become a stronger and better person.

 Hopefully with my new successful career I will be able to buy a small aircraft to satisfy my desire of flying and continue to achieve all my new future dreams.
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This page was created by Rodrigo Escobar, a student at Nova Southeastern University in fulfillment of the requirements of CSIS 3020.
It was last updated on SEPTEMBER/15/2015.
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