
The Social Project!


 Back in 2008, I had an idea for a kind of social network website which only involved interaction between the user and his/her family. The main idea is to find and keep in contact with family members making it easy to exchange information and media files but, this site will also have a twist that I will not reveal yet.

 I started this project before I started my college studies. I called it, Building basic html sites is not complicated but, in order to make my idea a reality I needed a front end, back end and database development skills, which I didn't have at that time. I had no other option than to put it on hold.

 Nowadays, there is no site that offers what I have in mind. Once I finish my current studies as a senior student, I will have already acquired most of the knowledge required to complete my project in order to make that dream come true.

 Due to the complexity of the whole project and database, I am planning to start with my personal website and then add the social network to it. My family members will be able to login into it and interact with each other; Then little by little I will add more features until the whole project is complete.

 I am open to suggestions and comments about what is the ideal social network for you. If you want to participate in this process, want more information and/or help on the development side of it, please don't hessitate to Contact Me.

 Best Regards, and thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions.

 Rodrigo Escobar

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This page was created by Rodrigo Escobar, a student at Nova Southeastern University in fulfillment of the requirements of CSIS 3020.
It was last updated on SEPTEMBER/15/2015.
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