CSIS 3020

Web Programming and Design

Assignment 01


Create a website using HTML5

The site should have 4 HTML5 pages
- Home Page
- Page One
- Page Two
- Page Three

You should select your topic for the web site (Any topic will be fine), but you need to use 80% of the HTML tags in your website.

Note: Look at the demos, and in your textbook for the HTML tags.

Website Flow

Every page should have a hyperlink menu at the top of the page
- Links to the other pages

Images, tables, unordered/ordered list, headers (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6), bold, underline, italics, paragraphs (p), breaks (br), ruler, remarks, title, meta tags, links to other websites, etc.

At the bottom of page you should place your name, the assignment number, and the date/time.

You created a folder where you place the html files, images, etc.

What do you need to submit for your assignment?
Take the folder with all your files, and
use the zip program to compress the folder.
Upload the zip file to blackboard.